How Are You Practicing Self Love?

practicing self love daily

Since the start of the year, I've been reflecting a lot about self love…

How I show up for my own self so that I can live life more fulfilled and better show up for others, too.

I see amazing patterns of putting myself on the back-burner while other's come first...anyone else? So, what, then can you do to break those patterns and how can you show up more lovingly for yourself??? Of course, that is truly up to you and what makes your heart full AND, I thought I'd share a few things that I do for me that help. The trick is to keep coming back to the things you choose over and over until it IS a habit. Our bad habits don't happen overnight. Persistence Beats Resistance...keep it up and you are certain to see positive changes + results.

Ignite Your Love To Ignite Your Life! 4 Tips To Better Love Yourself:

  • Starting The Day With Some Sort Of Movement/Exercise. I've realized that even if all I gave myself is 5 minutes (due to hitting the snooze button too many times or answering a call when I probably should have waited)...ANY amount of time to move and stretch my body sets the tone for my day and makes it so much better.

  • Eating Healthfully. The fuel we put in affects how we function. It is our foundation. Eating processed sugar and junk food...makes you feel crappy. It literally can biochemically pull you into more of a depressed state. I realize it is one thing to know it and another to do it. DOING it MATTERS! Big Time. I focus on eating proteins, veggies, good fats, and fruit. Real Whole Foods. It may feel like a challenge at first but I guarantee you'll amazing eating this way.

  • Connection With Friends. It is a HAVE to for me. Cooking some delicious food, sitting by the fire and enjoying quality conversation and connection is absolutely my love language* and truly fills me up.

  • Having A Beauty Day. The other day, I had an oil scalp treatment and my hair blown out. Then I had a mani and pedi. It felt so good having someone else do my hair for me plus it looked SO good. It made me feel pretty and I got to revel in that for several days!

self love

What do you choose today for YOURSELF to feel more loved?

*Are you familiar with the book "The 5 Languages of Love" by Gary Chapman. To me, this book teaches how you can better show up to love others and help others show up to love you it your partner, your family, your children or your friends. It is extraordinary! My husband Darrell and I teach individuals, couples and groups using this as an integral tool to support greater love. Check it out.

All my love. Until next time -

Dr. Cari


Blended Green “Juice”


Sausage + Veggie Soup