Aging With Vibrancy!

aging with vibrancy

Learn how easy it can be to create healthy habits that allow for longevity and aging gracefully

Over the holidays, I spent some time with folks in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. They were vibrant, joyful and unlike many...were not living their life in fear. They were out and about - going on walks, hikes, reading, playing tennis, laughing - living a very active life for their body and their brain. I was intrigued.

What was their key to staying so vibrant and healthy? The common denominator was staying active/exercising every day for YEARS (decades, even) and not sweating the small stuff. Their choice was to read before turning on the television and to be moving their body while keeping connected to friends. I observed this in a way I hadn't noticed before, mostly, I think, because of how disconnected so many have been during 2020. 

I thought,

To age gracefully and continue to feel my vibrancy, I'm certain that keeping stamina, strength, balance and good circulation is the way to go and that means exercising my body and mind are non-negotiable as part of an everyday routine!”

As one tends to be at the beginning of a new year, I've been feeling motivated to make changes for improved health.  The key I realize is to actually maintain this for more than a few weeks or months - to make a habit of it.  It's amazing the excuses we have that pull us from our balance and our ideal priorities. I recently saw a comedy act where the answer to all problems was simply, "STOP IT!" Sometimes, we need to be called on our B.S. and get back into our choosing...there isn't anything to figure out except to just cut the crap, choose it and then do it.

Shifting habits

Ideas to be more successful with shifting habits for your body + mind?

  • Have an accountability partner

  • Take a class (it is why I created the 30 Day Reset Program!)

  • Make it fun - if the exercise you are doing isn't fun, you will dread it and not do it

  • Diversify - meaning don't always do the same thing. We always do better with variety so we don't get bored and can continue with excitement 

  • Do things that make you forget it's exercise like dancing, playing with kids at the park, running around with your dog (or a friend's dog)

  • Meet someone for a long walk

  • Hire a trainer or a coach

  • Join a book club - you are sure to read more this way

Bottom line, have accountability so that when you forget to do that for yourself, you have someone quickly getting you back on track. Personally, I love taking dance classes where you are learning choreography. It is a total blast and takes mental focus as well so before you know it...the class is done and you've just had an amazing sweat. Yes, please!

If you have other ideas that help you stay focused and successful in healthy habits...please share them! We ALL want to know. 

Cheers to Vibrancy + Health in 2021 and Beyond! Dr. Cari


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