Introducing Dr. Cari J and Supporting Your Immune System

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Hi everyone!

A few years ago I attempted to start an "Ignite Your Light" blog and quickly ran out of steam...mostly because I didn't have a plan in place for what I would share and how often, etc. Plans are crucial...that's for sure, which includes being deliberate with how we choose to move through life.  So here I am...take 2! My intention is to share fun tips, tricks, strategies and to offer loving support to you and your friends + family.

My goal is to reach a broader audience (from around the world) and help to Light up folks both near and far to create a domino effect of love.  I want to help bring more vibrancy, health and joy into people's lives even if I don't have the fortunate opportunity to meet them in person. So PLEASE SHARE with anyone you think might want in on this! :) 

Also, I am here. If you have inquiries, concerns, things you need extra help and support with...likely others do too, and I'll do my best to answer your questions and offer suggestions that you might find helpful.

 This blog is focused on support for your IMMUNE SYSTEM! I'm sure that's a topic on your mind right now. Keep reading for more...

Right now, I see many drowning in fear, lacking motivation and spiraling down. This isn't just's kids too...of all ages. Folks, we can't run from viruses or bacteria...there are 100s of thousands and they have been around long before we existed! So how the heck can you support and build up your immune system so it can work its magic and do wonders for you? Mindfulness is key, here, everyone! (This is not to minimize those with pre-existing conditions or weakened systems and more that EVERYONE can benefit from the following no matter what).


 First, eat good quality food to nourish your body. If you're putting crappy processed food into your feel like crap. Even if it is only 1x/day or 3x/week, it adds up and catches up to you especially if you're not feeling your best to begin choose consciously.  Plan, Make and Prepare healthy meals...soups, casseroles, grilled meats, big salad bowls for the week, etc. Focus on proteins, veggies, healthy fats + fruit and avoid processed sugar, gluten/wheat, corn + dairy - all inflammatory in nature which can mess with our health eventually. Having healthy snacks and meals ready to go helps a lot especially at times when you lack motivation but you're hungry! 

*Great tip:* Kite Hill Almond Milk Chive or Everything But The Bagel Flavored Cream Cheese makes a great dip for veggies along with a favorite hummus!


What Supplements are a must:

Vitamin D3 - helps boost the system and protect our cells so make sure you get your vitamin D levels checked!  The goal: between 70-90 = Fantastic protection for your body! 100 or more is NOT good so if you are that high or close...DO NOT supplement with D. It is a rarity but it does happen. If yours is barely could stand to take 5000-10,000IU/day.**

Zinc, Vitamin C and Gut Support (like taking digestive enzymes with your meals and a great probiotic or even better a sporebiotic every day) are all a great start to supporting your immune system!  Why Gut Support? If your gut is healthy, the rest of your body is healthier. It allows you to absorb and integrate nourishment, it is our first line of defense and has a connection to our brain. Optimal gut function really makes a difference in how we feel overall. 

Make sure to get good quality vitamins.

If you're unsure, check out the Be Optimal Store. I've done the research for you and have excellent options! 

I hope this helps! Cheers to a Healthier, Happier Body + Life!

All my love. Until next time,

Dr. Cari


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